Use "bering strait|bering strait" in a sentence

1. I first came to North American in prehistoric times when I crossed the Bering Strait land bridge from Eurasia.Sentence dictionary

2. Beringia is the land bridge thought to have existed over the Bering Strait, the waterway that separates Asia (Russia) from North America (Alaska).

3. It lives from the Bering Strait south to California and Japan, from the intertidal zone to a depth of 110 m (360 ft).

4. Berings STRAITS NATIVE CORPORATION World-class Expertise Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC) is an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) regional corporation for the Bering Strait and Norton Sound region and is owned by more than 8,000 Alaska Native shareholders.

5. Bosporus Strait synonyms, Bosporus Strait pronunciation, Bosporus Strait translation, English dictionary definition of Bosporus Strait

6. Circumpolar Expeditions is committed to providing all our clients with an unrivaled arctic experience, whether it is on a tour of Alaska, the Russian Far East, or the Bering Strait

7. Beringia is named for the Danish explorer, Vitus Bering, and is also referred to as the Bering Sea Land Bridge

8. The divide separates the Mackenzie watershed from that of the Yukon River, which flows to the Bering Strait; and the Fraser River and Columbia River systems, both of which empty into the Pacific Ocean.

9. The name ‘Beringia’ comes from the Bering Strait, and it is used to describe an enormous territory that extended from the Lena River (Siberia) in the west to the Mackenzie River (Yukon) in the east


11. The nun took strait vows.

12. Highway 2 about 23 miles (37 km) west of Stevens Pass, along a very flat and straight three-mile section of highway that has been dubbed the "Baring Straight" (a play on the Bering Strait between Alaska and Russia

13. The Arapaho people, who call themselves the Hinono'eiteen ("people" in the Arapaho language), are indigenous Americans whose ancestors came over the Bering Strait, lived for a while in the Great Lakes region, and hunted buffalo in the Great Plains.

14. 5 The nun took strait vows.

15. 8 Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.

16. At Chalcis itself, where the strait is narrowest at only 40 m, it is called the Euripus Strait.

17. The Bering Land Bridge had closed, thus Beringia ceased to exist

18. Blak Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)

19. Article seven deals with cross-strait negotiation.

20. My old aunts are very strait - laced.

21. We will transit the strait at night.

22. Athleisure is the Bering Land Bridge that connected activewear and plainclothes in the late '90s

23. In Cook Strait there was a much greater displacement.

24. And we became a nation of strait-laced Puritans.

25. Our ship is cleaving her way through the strait.

26. Fishing for pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the high seas of the Bering Sea shall be prohibited.

27. He liberated Mahmoud Al Azok from an Alcatraz-like CIA black site in the Bering sea.

28. On September 4, the system was absorbed by a larger extratropical storm in the Bering Sea.

29. The western and eastern sectors of Beringia were joined together by the Bering Land Bridge Figure 1

30. Many submarine communications cables pass through the Luzon Strait.

31. An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.

32. This is the strait, where the currents are alternating

33. Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.

34. Beneath the Denmark Strait exists the world's largest waterfall.

35. Cheeseparing •handspring • hamstring • herring •headspring • wellspring •airing, ballbearing, bearing, Behring, Bering, caring, daring, fairing

36. Gennady Nevelskoy passed the strait from the north in 1848.

37. 2 Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.

38. Legally, “Aboriginal Australian” is recognized as “a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and …

39. Crested Auklets are small seabirds that nest on remote cliffs in the Northern Pacific and the Bering Sea

40. What does Angust mean? (obsolete) Narrow; strait; contracted; not spacious

41. 1 An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.

42. 13 Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.

43. Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge (Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology) by William S

44. 27 An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.

45. Strait means narrow, strict, exacting, and allowing for no deviation.

46. Piracy is also very active in the Strait of Malacca.

47. The island is separated from Turkey by the Chios Strait.

48. Beringia is a landmass including portions of 3 modern nations (Canada, US and Russia) and extending from the Siberian Kolyma River and Kamchatka Peninsula, through Alaska and Yukon Territory, to the Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories. Near the centre of the region is Bering Strait, for which it was named.

49. Instead, as Jesus urged: “Agonize . . . to enter through the strait door.”

50. Belitung or Belitong, was better known as billiton is an island in off the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, flanked by the Gaspar Strait and Karimata Strait

51. The strait Bisects Istanbul, a city of around 15 million people

52. The Norwegian island of Jan Mayen lies northeast of the strait.

53. Canal standardization, cross - strait dike is flat, river water is clear.

54. 2 I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remem-bering my good friends. 

55. The strait also been identified as a potential target by Al - Qaeda.

56. Beyond the strait it was expected that we might encounter enemy submarines.

57. The Bering Land Bridge, also known as central part of Beringia, is thought to have been up to 600 miles wide

58. Bosporus definition: strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara: c

59. This online camera shows you the Bosporus Strait, washing the city of Istanbul

60. The term Indigenous Australians refers to Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders collectively.

61. The fleet had formed a single column for the passage through the strait.

62. All sediments from Johnstone Strait – Hickey Point that were tested passed the criteria.

63. August 23: Second Taiwan Strait Crisis begins when China begins to bomb Quemoy.

64. Alaska whalers take Bowheads from protected stocks that number about 10,000 animals and range in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas.

65. It is separated from the southwest corner of Devon Island by Barrow Strait.

66. 5 The Strait of Hormuz is one the busiest waterways in the world.

67. United States navy ship, USS Badoeng Strait (CVE-116) was the strait's namesake.

68. This strait connects the Kara Sea and the Barents Sea in northern Russia.

69. 3 Two US navy vessels collided Friday in the Strait of Hormuz near Iran.

70. The road to the Ruhr , and to Tokyo, lies through the Strait of Hormuz.

71. Datagram intriguant blasphemousness strait-necked rechannelling Bo-peep prevailers cricket's sporadin concomitate Appredicate antilogarithm

72. Some common synonyms of Crisis are contingency, emergency, exigency, juncture, pinch, straits, and strait

73. It lies just off the northeast corner of Kodiak Island, across the Narrow Strait.

74. A 54 km (34 mi) strait connects it with Maracaibo Lake to the south.

75. Algeciras definition, a seaport in S Spain, in Andalusia, on the Strait of Gibraltar

76. Previously, BMKG had issued a high wave warning for the waters of the strait.

77. Iran's occupation of numerous islands in the Strait of Hormuz didn't help alter Iraq's fears.

78. In 1957, a 220 kV overhead power line was built across the Strait of Messina.

79. 20 It's a magic you are just right to me when I strait and mope.

80. It was believed that Charybdis lived under a rock on one side of the strait